Sacred Sovereign Soul Lovingly Holding Space with DIVINE grace

MystiX is a sacred space holder walking the path of Divine Love, answering the call to live as light; to stand in truth & share this unique expression to inspire self healing & peace by grace with ease.

What if we are here to be in divine harmony, to feel & heal that which we can not see, to lighten the load and live in

Love and peace.

I am here to be a creative work of art, to ignite the sacred spark, to actively elevate the Love frequency, holding sacred space in collaboration with divine reflections in community.

Creating sanctuaries of sovereignty to openly flow with ease. To feel, express, & release that which has been burdening. To breathe and let go creating space to expand, & grow. Sowing seeds of light to penetrate humanity inviting sacred souls to unite and claim their infinite potential.

Transmitting offerings of love from Source, anchoring in the frequency of Divine Unity for the highest good of ALL beings to BE secure, free, and aware of their Divinity.

My Souls purpose in this timeline is to anchor stability in our collective by energetically aligning Self and guiding others in doing the same by way of quantum attuning and sacred space holding.

I am guided by Spirit to raise the collective frequency through the process of claiming our individual sovereignty so we may come together in unity.

I love you, I love me and I love the fullness of all that is WE.

Thank you for showing up and shifting through the ever-evolving cycles of this experience to grow, glow and flow in this earthly realm as an extraordinary YOUnique expression of Source Energy.

I look forward to witnessing you as you embrace, express, and embody the Divine Energy of your self soulfully.

Blessings of Divine Love always in all ways,



Divine Love Soul Collection

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Divine Love


At Divine Love Space, we use Sacred Energy Exchange and believe that all beings should have access to Soul Support no matter their monetary availability. We also feel that it is a part of being supported and supporting others when you pay based on your current energetic availability. We look forward to serving your Souls Ascension.

Love Offerings


Energy Attunements


Plant Medicine Rituals

$12.21 ~ $69.96

Mirror Work Sessions

Free ~ $21.12

Soul Support Sessions

$33.33 ~ $111.11

Quantum Energy Session

$44.22 ~ $111.99

I AM ~ Divine Love

Grand Rising BeLoved One,

I am soul grateful for your presence on this planet at this point in our conscious evolution. I am blessed to have this opportunity to witness this journey OM to Self.

I encourage us all to keep aligning with Soul Self and welcoming every opportunity given to create clarity along this path of attuning our Energy to express Truth Soul Authentically.

I am here to assist, guide, and serve Souls as they ascend into higher frequency and release density to expand multidimensionally.

If you are here it is because you are being called to tune in and move beyond limitations and into sacred sovereignty. I honor you for showing up and Shining through the SHIfT Love.

You are Soul Supported,

MystiX Love

  • Ordained Priestess

  • Certified Holistic Life Coach

Follow the Love

It gnows the way OM!

Reminder from Divine:

"You are my favorite you it is truer than true and no one else can be you so go ahead and BE ALL YOU BOO!!!"


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